A framework for modelling road user interactions
Link: https://github.com/gmarkkula/COMMOTIONSFramework
A Python implementation of a modular framework for modeling road user interactions, developed in the EPSRC-funded project COMMOTIONS. The repository contains some base modules, an implementation of the framework for “straight crossing paths” scenarios, and a number of tests of specific model variants in driver-pedestrian interaction scenarios, as described in (Markkula et al., 2023). See the repository README for further guidance.
Markkula, G., Lin, Y. S., Srinivasan, A. R., Billington, J., Leonetti, M., Kalantari, A. H., … & Merat, N. (2023). Explaining human interactions on the road by large-scale integration of computational psychological theory. PNAS nexus, 2(6), pgad163. https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad163