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Code for fitting a visual looming accumulation model of brake onset timing


MATLAB implementation of a brake response time model based on accumulation of visual looming information, as initially proposed in (Markkula, 2014). The code also shows how to run a simple grid search to perform a maximum likelihood fitting of the model to observed brake response data, as done for example in (Engström et al, 2018; Xue et al., 2018; Piccinini et al., 2019).

Engström, J., Markkula, G., Xue, Q., & Merat, N. (2018). Simulating the effect of cognitive load on braking responses in lead vehicle braking scenarios. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 12(6), 427–433.

Markkula, G. (2014). Modeling driver control behavior in both routine and near-accident driving. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting*, 58(1), 879–883.

Piccinini, G. B., Lehtonen, E., Forcolin, F., Engström, J., Albers, D., Markkula, G., Lodin, J., & Sandin, J. (2019). How do drivers respond to silent automation failures? Driving simulator study and comparison of computational driver 2 braking models 3. Human Factors.

Xue, Q., Markkula, G., Yan, X., & Merat, N. (2018). Using perceptual cues for brake response to a lead vehicle: Comparing threshold and accumulator models of visual looming. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 118, 114–124.