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Gustav Markkula's online resources

Just a compilation of various potentially useful resources related to my research, otherwise scattered over the internet, and sometimes a bit hidden in data/code releases for my papers. Each link below goes to a short post describing and linking the resource. Time stamps refer to when each resource was first made public.

How to write a paper, the easy way

Dataset: Trajectories of interacting drivers and pedestrians

Dataset: EEG study on pedestrian road-crossing decisions

Dataset: Driving simulator study on urban interactions

A framework for modelling road user interactions

An accumulator model of detection of visually looming collision threats

Dataset: Limits of human detection of visually looming collision threats

A looming accumulation intermittent control braking model

A variant of the dual accumulator model of strategic (game-theoretic) deliberation

Models and simulation software for pedestrian and driver road-crossing decisions

Dataset: Driver control in real and simulated low-friction vehicle testing manoeuvres

Model of visual-vestibular sensory integration in steering control

Code for fitting a visual looming accumulation model of brake onset timing

Task-general modelling framework for intermittent sensorimotor control

Method for extracting discrete control (e.g., steering) adjustments from a continuous signal

Dataset: Human steering control in straight lane-keeping and at-limit steering tasks

Steering wheel reversal rate metric implementation